I have been fascinated with the past all my life. Although time travel is not possible (at least, as far as I know), we can still experience it through what I call "relics of the fourth dimension." Namely, as the old saying goes, "time marches on." We can't travel in the fourth dimension, except going forward in the present, but we can follow the trail of the fourth dimension. Along the way, people lose or discard items from their being. These relics are unintentional time capsules that give us as glimpse into their lives. Here on The Time Searchers blog, I will show some relics of the past that I have run across in our present. Sometimes when I am out on a relic hunt with the Colonial Relic Hunter, we know that we are not alone. There is more than just relics at these historical sites. Indeed, it could be said that there is a portal to the past, perhaps to another dimension, where that which once was, still is. A place where the real consorts with the shadows; the present fuses with the past, on Time Searchers: Ghost Relics.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Time Seachers Lost Colonial Village Discovered: Part Two

Hello again fellow relic hunters!

In this episode, the Colonial Relic Hunter recovers a boot pistol, 1785 two Spanish Reale coin and The Time Searcher recovers a British Army button and other finds at the Lost Colonial Village.

Keep on the look out for more finds from us and keep checking the blog - we have some good articles coming up!!!

Until next time!

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